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Badges and stickers - enhance your uniform

Century has a wide range of badges and stickers. Badges and stickers are among the more contentious aspects of martial arts clothing.

This is because traditionally, most martial arts practitioners - regardless of style - wore plain white uniforms that were unadorned except for a simple badge or embroidery denoting the practitioner's martial arts style.

From carnival look to now...

Around the 1970s, various solid-coloured uniforms adorned with many badges began to appear, creating a visible delineation between “traditional” and “non-traditional” martial arts styles. This was more evident in the USA, where some uniforms created a real carnival look. 

Stickers - a temporary option

A roll of stickers

Stickers provide a more temporary form of recognition. These are good for rewarding very young students. If you produce a membership pack or some form of permanent training record for students, these are ideal to use with them.

In Australasia, we are more traditional as a rule. Still, many schools in Australia and a growing number in New Zealand are increasingly using badges and stickers as rewards and recognition devices, especially for younger students. 

Badges - they're made to last

We stock a wide range of small badges that denote various things—years in training, role in the school, different physical and martial arts skills, and even life skills.

Most of our badges cost around $3 to $7 each, so they are a great low-cost product for rewarding your members who put extra effort into their training.

Custom make your own

We can also obtain custom-made badges for you, such as these excellent badges for one of our New Zealand customer schools:

Custom made badge Custom made badge


If you want a one-of-a-kind custom-made badge, we can help you obtain it. We need a minimum order of 50 badges to create custom badges for you. Still, if you are a regular customer and don’t have an immediate need for all 50 badges, we would consider ordering 50 badges for you and holding them on your behalf. You would order and pay for the badges on an “as-needed” basis.